Monday, December 21, 2009

Day Two

I'm currently on day two, and I am in one of those so called Writer's Block. These things frustrate me, I want to write soemthing but when i do i'm constantly deleting. I would ask if your opinion, but i know nobody reads me; and suprisley I'm okay with that. Today I went to the mall with me family, it was a pretty okay time. Nothing special in the least bit. I'll try to post again later, but i have to go and see what i can finish today.


P.S. If you are reading this, please spread the word out about my blog. It'll only put me a step closer to Tyra!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Day One

     So this is the first step on my journey, the day i set sail to find out who I truly am. Am by that I mean writing  book the way I want it to be done. So hello late nights drinking coffee, and writing in my pajamas. Those are the nights I look forward too. Though it would be nice to have a computer, but I know my parents would never get me one. I mean I have a computer, just not one of my own. It's out in the cold hallway, and I'm already freaked out by some doll next to it. So I guess i should at least explain my book, just a little bit I don't want to give away any of the good stuff.

 A girl whose born with a horrid curse to destroy the world, sets out on a quest to change a dying planets intake on life; and find a way to stop the prophecy form coming true. Though in the process she discovers love, pain, war, and deceit. Can she save the one person who she cares most about from her worst nightmare, herself.

     It's one of those epic tales of adventures, i just it gets published. I had a dream to go on the Oprah show to advertise it, but that dream was canceled, since she quit the show. I loved that show, I guess all I have is Tyra *hint hint* maybe if someone was reading this and they knew some people; you could help me out in this predicament. You would totally be my Christmas angel, I would be bowing at your feet for like a eternity. Okay maybe not all eternity, just the better half of it. Ahh sometimes I feel as if I crack myself up, you know you just lift your spirits without the help of anyone. 

      Sort of reminds me of this friend I have, I can't give away her name so I'll name her Mali. Her boyfriend just broke up with her, and they had been going out for about eight months. She loved this dude, and she already had bad self-confidence. Always claiming she wasn't pretty, but it was true she wasn't pretty. She was beautiful. I tried to tell her that but it felt as if she wasn't listening. So I came up with something, called the Master Plan. The details of it is that i would mislead her into thinking that i wanted her to be more tough and I would go over this like everyday. The one day she'll get so annoyed with it, and I'll ask her how does she feel. Hopefully she'll say bad and then she'll pour out her feelings. (she has never really done that before, i had never even see her cry in fact) Then I'll ask her how she feels, and then she'll say that she feels better.  I just hope it works because I really want the old Mali back, the funny and awakward one. She's the closet thing that i have to a best friend, because i guess that i'm not really a people person.

     Oh gosh I'm tearing up right now, i guess when i was little people would make fun of you so badly you sort of keep some part of yourself reserved. So you put out this fake image of yourself, but no one ever knows the real you. So now I'm stuck in this lonely part, and I just want people to understand the real me, and love me for who i really am and nothing else. But you see its not that simple, I'm known as the girl with no heart, though I don't want it anymore. It's another reason why i started this blog. To discover the real me, the one that's been corned in a dark corner for a long time. 


The goal that will change everything

Today has got me thinking, this morning I woke up to a goal; and now I need to find a way to reach it. I watched Julie and Julia, and now I'm feeling a little inspiration. All my life i have given up on anything i have tried, and this time i want it to be different. I want to make a goal for myself and keep it through. I'm currently writing a book, and sometimes i feel like I'll never finish it, that I'm not good enough. Or maybe that when I'm done with it, nobody will publish it. All these anxiety issues are running through me, and i just don't know what to do. I'm only four teen, and what person in America, would think that a fourteen eyar old would be a New York Times bestseller. So there's my goal i want to have it done by April 2010, i already have over a hundred of pages, and I'm almost at the halfway point. Hopefully when I'm finished with this it will build some ling needed self-confidence in myself. So here I go, i sigh off tonight in the pursuit of my dream

Friday, December 18, 2009

First Blog Post

Well this is sort of awkward. But instead I'm awkward Myself. Well i guess i should just share what i did today. I'm in high school and today was the last day before break, so i don't have school fro another two weeks. Isn't that awesome?
I think so, in the past i have attempted to make blogs i just hope this one will work out. I always get so side tracked, like one minute I'll be all over this blog, the next I'll be thinking about unicorns and other creatures that frighten me. (actually they don't frighten me, i don't know where i came up with that) I don't know what to say now, i'm like all empty inside. Think Rumor! Think! How can this be so hard, I'm always talkative. But diesn't freak you out that your basically telling everything to a computer screen. I would kbe pretty freaked out, i am right now. But that's totally a secert; and you can't tell anyone. i doubt that you actually would but just in case it would be good if you just kept your mouth closed shut.